vertx-push-onesignal 1.7 released

When working with OneSignal, you sometimes receive an API response telling you that the notification you’ve sent does not have any recipients (“All players are not subscribed”). This can either mean that the notifications you’ve setup are not working like intended (e.g. you’re using wrong filters) or that a former active user of yours became inactive and cannot be addressed any longer. In case you are targeting users using tags this can happen quite frequently.

To avoid the cost of creating a OneSignalException in that case there is an option now to prevent vertx-push-onesignal from creating these exceptions in case that response is received from the OneSignal API.

See my github-page for an example how to set it up properly.

Sending push notifications with Vertx and OneSignal

All good things come to an end: that’s what I thought when Parse announced it’s shutdown. Back then, Parse was the best “push notifications as a service”-solution that offered a REST-API to send and schedule cross platform push notifications through a backend service. Because we used it in one of our products, we had to look for a replacement and so I finally stumbled upon OneSignal.

Like Parse, it offers cross platform pushes, a ton of clientside SDKs to easily integrate it in various languages and a solid REST-API to trigger push notifications through a backend. And last but not least, it doesn’t cost any money*.

As you might have noticed in my recent posts I use Vertx a lot. So I thought it would be a good idea to write a library that allows you to send push notifications using OneSignal the Vertx-way. You can see this library as a wrapper around OneSignal’s REST-API that gives you compile-time validation instead of a trial and error approach.

Happy pushing!

* According to the documentation of OneSignal, OneSignal makes money from collecting data of your clients. If you’re concerned, they also offer paid service options.